Digital Landline Services For Bristol

Landlines for Bristol

We are here to end the confusion over digital Landlines. You need a digital Landline? We will provide you with one, separate from your broadband package. You can transfer your Landline to us using one of our dedicated packages.

When does the digital switchover come to Bristol?

Short answer: December 2025. Longer answer: It doesn't just affect Bristol, this is a nationwide initiative. After September 2023, no new PSTN landlines will be sold - all new Landlines must be digital over your broadband connection. After December 2025, the PSTN network is scheduled to be switched off (the digital switchover), meaning if you do not have a digital Landline, your PSTN Landline will stop working.

I'm in Bristol and my broadband provider includes the Landline

Ask them to break down the individual charges. Ask them for a broadband only cost without the landline, then you can decide if it makes financial sense as well as common sense to keep your Landline provider separate from your Broadband provider. Keeping your Landline separate gives you the freedom to move broadband provider whenever it suits you.

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