Digital Landline Services For Orkney

Orkney Landlines

Finding the right Landline provider is confusing. It is our aim to eliminate this confusion. Through simple, easy to understand "no nonsense" packages, you can transfer your existing landline to a digital service without changing your broadband provider

What is the digital switchover?

The digital switchover affects the entirety of the UK, not just Orkney. In simple terms, your landline that you pay monthly line rental for is being phased out. By October 2023 it will not be possible to buy a new landline. By December 2025, hard Landlines will be removed and everyone will be required to have a digital Landline.

I'm in Orkney and my broadband provider includes the Landline

Ask them to break down the individual charges. Ask them for a broadband only cost without the landline, then you can decide if it makes financial sense as well as common sense to keep your Landline provider separate from your Broadband provider. Keeping your Landline separate gives you the freedom to move broadband provider whenever it suits you.

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